Why does my training and racing help other athletes?
I am not a one trick pony or a theoretical coach.
In challenging myself in events from 10-mile time trials on the bike up to Ironman Triathlons, from sprint duathlons to L’Etape Sportives over Tour de France stages, I have learned
invaluable personal lessons on what it feels like and what
it takes to maximise performance.I am not a world champ. I don't pretend to be a pro.I just make people faster and don't want to stop going fast myself.I don't want to, or believe that you need to do, 20 Ironmans, 20 hours a week or below 20 minutes for a 10-miles to help athletes get leaner, faster and better able to train themselves to reach their maximum potential.That's it. No secrets just two decades of experience, long hours, thousands of pages or reading, hours in the lab, time in the wind tunnel, lots of experimentation and a desire to be constantly learning.